About us
The Skin Analysis System is a Fernro Publishing product.
The Skin Analysis System was designed by Prof. Des Fernandes and Jennifer Munro. It is the property of Fernro Publishing Ltd. based in the United Kingdom. Its purpose is to help aestheticians and skin professionals to work with their clients easily and professionally, placing skin analysis at the heart of the client relationship.
The data on the system is the property of its subscribers and is protected by encryption and anonymisation. We are using SQL Server 2016 as the database, using only stored procedures to access the data with SSL encrypted SQL connections. All fields that would identify a person have been encrypted. All access to the solution is via an authenticated login and all data between the browser and server is encrypted with an SSL Certificate. The data is located on servers in a secure SAS70 certified data centre. The company we use to host data is https://www.everleap.com/cloud-hosting/features/security/. SAS70 is the standard to which they are certified and audited.